When it comes to knee physiotherapy, single leg calf raise overstep helps strengthening the muscles around the knee is crucial for optimal recovery and prevention of further injuries. One often overlooked muscle in this area is the soleus muscle, which plays a significant role in knee health and lower limb function. In this article, we will explore the benefits of a specific exercise called single leg calf raises overstep for the soleus muscle and its effectiveness in knee physiotherapy.

What you will learn by reading this article:

  • The importance of strengthening the soleus muscle for knee physiotherapy.
  • The benefits of single leg calf raises overstep for the soleus muscle.
  • How to properly perform single leg calf raises overstep and progress in the exercise.

What is the soleus muscle?

The soleus muscle is a deep muscle located in the calf region of the leg. It runs from the back of the knee to the heel and works in conjunction with the gastrocnemius muscle to control ankle movement. Unlike the gastrocnemius, the soleus muscle is primarily composed of slow-twitch muscle fibers, making it more resistant to fatigue and better suited for endurance activities.

The primary function of the soleus muscle is to plantarflex the ankle joint, which means pointing the toes downward. This muscle is especially active during activities such as walking, running, and jumping. Additionally, the soleus muscle plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and stability during weight-bearing activities.

Benefits of Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep for the Soleus Muscle

1. Targeting the soleus muscle specifically

Single leg calf raises overstep is a highly effective exercise for specifically targeting and strengthening the soleus muscle. This exercise variation places greater emphasis on the soleus compared to traditional calf raises, which primarily engage the gastrocnemius muscle. By performing single leg calf raises overstep, you can isolate and activate the soleus muscle to a greater extent, leading to improved strength and function.

2. Strengthening and stabilizing the ankle

The soleus muscle is a key stabilizer of the ankle joint. Weakness in this muscle can lead to ankle instability and a higher risk of ankle sprains. Single leg calf raises overstep helps strengthen the soleus muscle, which in turn enhances ankle stability. This is particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from ankle injuries or looking to prevent future ankle problems.

3. Supporting the body during various movements

The soleus muscle plays an essential role in supporting the body during various movements, such as squatting, lunging, and jumping. By strengthening the soleus muscle through single leg calf raise overstep, you can improve your overall lower limb stability and enhance your ability to perform these movements with proper form and control. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes involved in sports that require explosive lower body movements.

Use of Merlin Physio App for Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep

The Merlin Physio app can be a valuable tool in helping both physiotherapists and patients address issues like the Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep. Here’s how the app can assist in this specific situation:

  1. Progress Tracking: The app allows physiotherapists to track the progress of patients in real-time. For someone working on improving their single leg calf raise technique, this means that the physiotherapist can closely monitor the patient’s performance over time. By regularly recording and assessing the patient’s ability to perform the exercise, adjustments can be made to their treatment plan as needed.
  2. Customized Exercise Plans: The app can generate customized exercise plans based on the patient’s condition and goals. For individuals struggling with the Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep, the app can provide specific exercises and guidelines to target the calf muscles and improve balance and control.
  3. Real-time Feedback: The AI-powered real-time feedback feature of the Merlin Physio app can be especially helpful. It can analyze the patient’s performance during a single leg calf raise and provide instant feedback on their form and balance. This feedback can help patients correct their overstep issues while performing the exercise.

Step-by-step guide on performing Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep for the Soleus Muscle

To perform single leg calf raise overstep for the soleus muscle, follow these steps:

Step 1: Setting up for the exercise

Begin by finding a step or elevated surface that is sturdy and secure. Position yourself facing the step with your feet hip-width apart.

Step 2: Proper body positioning

Place the ball of your foot on the edge of the step, allowing your heel to hang off. Ensure that your foot is in a neutral position, neither excessively pronated (rolling inward) nor supinated (rolling outward). Keep your core engaged and maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise.

Step 3: Bent knee position

Bend your knee slightly, aiming for a 20-30 degree flexion. This bent knee position targets the soleus muscle more effectively compared to performing the exercise with a straight leg.

Step 4: Execution of the exercise

Begin by pushing through the ball of your foot and raising your heel as high as possible while keeping your knee bent. Focus on contracting the soleus muscle throughout the movement. Hold the raised position for a brief pause.

Step 5: Controlled lowering phase

Slowly lower your heel back down to the starting position, allowing your calf muscles to stretch. Be mindful to control the descent and avoid any sudden drops or jerky movements.

Variations and Progression of Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep for the Soleus Muscle

To continue challenging the soleus muscle and promoting further strength gains, you can incorporate the following variations and progression techniques into your single leg calf raise overstep routine:

1. Adding resistance with dumbbells or weighted vest

To increase the difficulty of the exercise, you can add resistance by holding dumbbells in your hands or wearing a weighted vest. This additional load forces the soleus muscle to work harder, leading to greater strength development.

2. Increasing repetitions and sets for endurance training

If your goal is to improve the endurance capacity of your soleus muscle, you can increase the number of repetitions and sets performed during each training session. Aim for 15-25 repetitions per set and gradually increase the number of sets as your endurance improves.

3. Tips for gradual progression to continue challenging the soleus muscle

To prevent plateauing and ensure continual progress, it’s essential to gradually increase the difficulty of the exercise over time. You can achieve this by incrementally raising the height of the step, increasing the amount of resistance used, or adjusting the tempo of the exercise (e.g., performing slow eccentric contractions).

Frequency and Consistency of Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep for the Soleus Muscle

For optimal results, it is recommended to perform single leg calf raise overstep exercise 2-3 times per week. This frequency allows for sufficient recovery and adaptation of the soleus muscle. However, it’s important to note that individual fitness levels and goals may vary, so it’s always best to consult with a physiotherapist or healthcare professional to determine the most suitable frequency for your specific needs.

Consistency is key when it comes to any exercise program. To see significant improvements in the strength and function of your soleus muscle, it’s important to adhere to a consistent training schedule. Make single leg calf raise overstep a regular part of your knee physiotherapy routine to maximize the benefits.

Precautions and Considerations for Single Leg Calf Raise Overstep for the Soleus Muscle

While single leg calf raise overstep can be a highly effective exercise for the soleus muscle, it’s crucial to approach it with caution and consider any potential limitations or contraindications. Here are a few precautions to keep in mind:

1. Consulting with a physiotherapist or healthcare professional

If you have any pre-existing knee or lower limb conditions, such as knee pain, ankle instability, or previous injuries, it is recommended to consult with a physiotherapist or healthcare professional before incorporating single leg calf raise overstep into your exercise routine. They can assess your specific condition and provide personalized guidance to ensure the exercise is safe and appropriate for you.

2. Modifications for individuals with knee or lower limb issues

In some cases, individuals with knee or lower limb issues may need to modify the exercise to accommodate their specific needs. This may include performing the exercise with a lower step height, reducing the range of motion, or using additional support (e.g., holding onto a stable surface for balance). It’s important to prioritize proper form and avoid any movements or positions that cause pain or discomfort.


Incorporating single leg calf raise overstep into your knee physiotherapy routine can be highly beneficial for strengthening the soleus muscle and improving overall knee health. By targeting the soleus muscle specifically, this exercise helps stabilize the ankle, support the body during various movements, and enhance lower limb function. Remember to consult with a physiotherapist or healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance. Start incorporating this exercise into your routine and experience the positive impact it can have on your knee physiotherapy journey.